August 18, 2003


Just got a message from someone claiming to be the Tampa Flash Mob Founder notifying me that the account I posted of Saturday's flash mob at the Citrus Park Mall was false. The real Web site for the project is at TampaMobProject, I was told.

Okay. Whatever.

As I explained, I didn't go. I couldn't therefore take pictures. I relied on the account of a friend who said he went. I believe that friend and I believe his account of what happened. Just because it doesn't match your account doesn't mean he is wrong.

Now, if you don't like his account, I'm sorry. Really. To the bottom of my heart.

If his account was wildly inaccurate and offended you in some way, again, I'm sorry. To the bottom of my heart.

But don't you fucking dare use my site to gather the Web addresses of my readers - many of whom have been so unbelievably generous that they've added their comments to my site when just reading the damn thing is a chore. I do not operate a blog so that you can build a lame-ass e-mail address list for spamming them with your rantings.

Yes, I'm happy your mob was a success. I think it's a neat little phenomenon and I'd like to be there for the next one. Really and truly.

But please accept my invitation to leave your mob mentality at the mall. And leave my readers alone.

Thank you.

Posted by Jeff at August 18, 2003 10:51 PM | TrackBack