Willie Drye, author of "Storm of the Century: The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, has a few issues with CBS Sportsline's ranking of the top college football stadiums:
Hey Jeff:
Never been to a game in the Swamp, can't comment on CBS's listing it at #4, but am willing to take your word for it. But what the HELL are those pointy-headed New Yorkers doing by not even including UNC's Kenan Stadium anywhere on the list? Not having Kenan even mentioned makes the validity of the whole damn list suspect, as far as I'm concerned. Kenan is a 60,000+ stadium tucked into a natural valley and surrounded by pine trees. It's been called by many the most beautiful natural setting for a football game in the country, and they recently did a $50 million upgrade without harming the surroundings. So while I don't dispute your belief that UF is a great place to watch a game and deserves a #4 ranking, I'd say that CBS has proven conclusively that they really don't know squat about stadiums as a whole. Fresno STATE and BYU included in the top 25? Camp Randall Stadium #23 and not in the top 10? Neyland Stadium #3? I've been in Neyland, but I've also been in Sanford Stadium, and I think Sanford is at least as good or better.
I think it's a bizarre ranking.