"This is my life and I don't care what other people think. I love this guy. I knew the instant I met him that he was the one for me. I wish other people have what I have. I've kissed a lot of frogs in my life and now I have my prince. I've found my happily ever after. My other loves were like puppy dogs. They were practice for the real thing. I'm feeling everything. I'm excited. Elated. Happy."
- Britney Spears in the latest issue of People
Britney marries a childhood friend. For 50 hours.
Britney swaps spit with the Rosetta Stone of Skank.
Britney poses for photos that make her look even more plastic and lifeless than she already is.
Britney, as she would look if she hit the all-you-can-eat Seafood Lovers Special at Red Lobster every night for six months.
Britney runs a restaurant into the ground.
Britney has an evil twin available for parties.
Britney and George cut a rug.
Britney proves the axiom: Beer affects the way males respond to females.
Okay, J.H., here's your new favorite, shameful website. It has actual stalker, paparazzi photos of your girl Brit-ney (others too if you dig around). Ever so entertaining, so much so you'll want to take a shower because of the creepy feelings.
Posted by: Katherine at July 6, 2004 09:58 PM