August 13, 2004


Willie Drye, author of Storm of the Century: The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, sends along this pre-storm e-mail to my friend Alan and myself:

I assume, as newspaper guys facing the biggest story in years about to land in your front yard, you've got the modern equivalent of a blindfold and a cigarette and are waiting for the damn thing to do its worst and get it over with. According to what I've seen, it looks like you guys could get a pretty good whack, a good bit worse than what we got here in Plymouth from Isabel last summer.

Hurriicanes are the price we have to pay every so often for the privilege of breathing salty air and being able to get the rest of the world off our backs by watching pelicans and whitecaps whenever we want to.

They're saying this thing could be a Cat 3 when it reaches Tampa Bay. I hope everybody stays safe, please send me updates as long as you can, and we'll see you on the other side.


Posted by Jeff at August 13, 2004 11:06 AM