The album's first single, "Why Do You Love Me," officially hit the airwaves Tuesday, with a Sophie Muller-directed video to follow shortly behind."It's a very melodic ... Phil Spector girl-group sped-up-fast kind of song," bassist/guitarist Steve Marker said. "It's one of my favorite cuts on the record. It's gonna be a challenge to play live, especially for our drummer. It's very fast."
"It also has one of the most metal riffs we've ever done," added guitarist/bassist Duke Erikson.
On the track, singer Shirley Manson questions her appeal to a lover and then questions his motivations and eventually his loyalty. "I'm not as pretty as those girls in magazines," she sings in the first verse.
"It's a weird, weird song that kind of deals with three different things in my life going on at one time," Manson explained. "I can't actually articulate it very easily without sounding like a turd. ... I always feel like I have this duty to explain the lyrics, and I always feel like such a turd doing it, so I just decided on this record I'm not gonna do it."
Saw them live once somewhere in Oregon around '97 at the peak of my indifference for their indifference (yes, a woman was involved). They'd always struck me as a mediocre Curve knockoff, but since nobody's heard of Curve it didn't (and doesn't) matter. Anyway, most of the show was predictably ho-hum until they did a stunningly good these-go-to-11 version of Big Star's "Thirteen" and won my lasting admiration. I never got around to buying any of their records, but in retrospect they had a handful of pretty damn fine singles.
Posted by: Rommie at March 1, 2005 09:49 AMOh c'mon... They're not THAT bad!
Posted by: Mike at March 1, 2005 11:34 AMLove em'
Posted by: Cupie at March 2, 2005 12:55 AM