Never one to be put off by a bit of bad press, the 23-year-old star is giving her acting career another go - with a comedy slant.Bless Britney...
After her first film, Crossroads, was panned by anyone and everyone, she's dusted herself off and signed up for movie number two.
This time round she's starring in the comedy In The Pink alongside Cher, Bette Midler and Tim Allen.
She plays a door-to-door saleswoman called Drew Heart and will start filming later this month.
You know, I considered retiring the Your Moment of Britney series not too long ago. I thought that perhaps it should morph into Your Moment of Paris or Your Moment of Lohan, but I think the girl has just enough crazy left in the tank to keep this going.
Britney wears the glamorous life.
Britney takes a palimony suit.
Something old, something new.
Britney takes a groom. Again.
Britney defends her latest love.
Britney marries a childhood friend. For 50 hours.
Britney swaps spit with the Rosetta Stone of Skank.
Britney poses for photos that make her look even more plastic and lifeless than she already is.
Britney, as she would look if she hit the all-you-can-eat Seafood Lovers Special at Red Lobster every night for six months.
Britney runs a restaurant into the ground.
Britney has an evil twin available for parties.
Britney and George cut a rug.
Britney proves the axiom: Beer affects the way males respond to females.