Spain's Islamic Commission, which groups the nation's Muslim community, said it was issuing a fatwa against Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden."We are going to issue a fatwa (religious decree) against Bin Laden this afternoon,' Mansour Escudero, who leads the Federation of Islamic religious entities (Feeri) and co-secretary general of the Spanish governmenmt-created Commission told AFP.
I love that they announced that they would announce it.
They could have just fatwa-ed him up the wazoo right there and then... but they teased it and primped it until that fatwas was jussssst right.
Even the extremists are into spin.
Now, if they'll only issue a fatwa after the real terrorists: M'Balz Es-Hari, Grabbir Boubi, Haid D'Salaami, Hous Bin Pharteen, his cousin I-Bin Pharteen and their close companion I-Zheet M'Drurz. Not to mention Mustaf Herod Apyur Poupr. [Link]