October 04, 2005


iPodNanoBeingRunOverByACar.jpg You might remember the post where Rommie tested the integrity of a waterproof iPod case. With the iPod still in it.

Katherine passes along this link to a posting where someone discusses what it takes to destroy an iPod Nano.

They try throwing it, running it over with a car, stepping on it. You name it.

She writes:

Rommie may enjoy this one.

Uh, yeah. Because it isn't his iPod.

The story sets up this way:

Because of our initial apprehension about the breakability of our tiny new friend as well as reading about similar apprehension from many potential iPod nano buyers online, we decided to abuse our precious little nano for the sake of science. We wanted to stress test the nano in various real-life situations where iPod users have proven themselves to be a little less than genius in the past to see how the nano could handle the abuse. To break the nano in the most scientific manner possible, we would need 5 or 6 nanos and a high-tech laboratory built for this purpose. Unfortunately, all we had was a single 2GB black iPod nano and a giant parking lot, so we had to make do. What we get is a great idea of how much abuse this little guy can take.

To simulate everyday accidents that could result in a broken iPod, we came up with a few situations that we felt would ultimately leave the nano lifeless:

* Sitting on the iPod nano

* Dropping it while jogging (4-6mph),

* Dropping at various speeds: 8-10mph (slow bicycle), 15-20mph (fast
bicycle), 30mph (slow car), and 50mph (fast car)

* Dropping the nano from various heights.

Posted by Jeff at October 4, 2005 07:45 AM
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