October 30, 2005


LincolnBraSmall.jpg You might remember a tale from last week in which our Labrador retriever, Lincoln, got his freak on.

After that post, I got an e-mail last week from a Salad reader that said:

A young fellow in our creative services dept. recently enlisted in the Army Reserves and is at basic training. (Yeah, we tried to talk him out of it - COUNTLESS times, but he had the "calling.")

Anyway, I digress. He has two labs and he - and well as a bunch of us he left behind in cubeville - are obnoxious Lab owners/Lab lovers. This story - if I can print - would be just the ticket to add to the weekly (print) newsletter we are sending to him. MAY I?

May I?

Always happy to support our men and women in uniform, I replied:

Giddyap. Have at it. Make sure you let me know what his reaction is.

Then I got an e-mail today with the following details:

We rec'd a letter from him today - in response to the first newsletter we sent him. He must have commented five times on how what a boost that was ... "It made me feel like me again." Good indeed since his first letter from basic training had to be "translated" for us by a vet due to all the friggin "code" words. Complete immersion in their system seems to be the military's strategy.

This guy (kid, really .. just 25-years old) had a "Lab Cam" going for a while this summer so he and the rest of us dog lovers could watch his two pups ransack his house during the day, "Oh look, Porter jumped on the bed... is that a stick of butter in his mouth?" Easily amused we be.

Anyway, your pup and his bra will be positioned next to our story - altered a bit of course - about the "Champagne Tower Suites" available at the Poconos (Hotel) Resort. Google that if you haven't ever seen - a sight to behold! It's interesting to note that the Champagne Towers don't have a weight limit. (We know, we called them once to verify. The adult version of "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?" phone prank.)

Anyway, sure you get lots of mail so don't mean to take up too much time - just want you to know the story is MUCH appreciated.

We'll keep you updated on the soldier's reaction.

Posted by Jeff at October 30, 2005 02:05 PM
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