March 30, 2006


Last week, my Uncle Pete, (yes, the one who was in the paper posing with a potato he grew that was shaped like a moose), sent photos upon his return to his Alaska homestead. He particularly noted a dangerous glacial overhang off his back porch.


He writes:

OK, this will be the last of "The Moose Lodge Glacier."

We walked to the garage til about 6:30 last night. About 8:30 I was watching tv and heard a loud crash. I thought it might be Cecile upstairs dropping something on the floor.

Got up 6:30-ish this morning and thought I'd better check outside just in case.

Yep, the crash I heard was the ice and snow breaking off and falling.


As you can see, it was no less than 16 inches thick and the section thar broke off was 5 feet or more. To think, about a month ago we visited our brother Carl and wife Mollie. We were at their hunting lodge and we saw about 25 snow flakes falling~~!! We thought that to be so beautiful-------UUUGGGHHHH what a difference.

If someone would have been under that, they would be in the hospital today - at least.

There still, as you can also see, is a 3-foot overhang on the other section of the roof. I expect in a day or two that will be sliding and breaking off too.

Sooo, that is that is the end of that story, and I've got a lot of shoveling to do.

Now, I got to look for some grizzly bear stories to pass on. Spring is here and they'll be around soon. another UUGGHH~~!!



Ice, ice, baby.

Winter's coming. Time to head south.

Space invaders.

A little snack on the porch.

The salmon don't stand a chance.

Fish tales. Big time.

The Last Fuzzy Slipper Frontier.

There's a bar in them thar country.

Flowers are a-bloomin'.

The fog rolls in.

Moose intruder.

On their way home.

Sunsets, salmon and civil ceremonies.

Volcanoes, churches and halibut.

Eagle tree, limb by limb.

A fantasy RV for The Last Frontier.

Heading north to the homestead.

Publicizing moose-shaped tubers.

Posted by Jeff at March 30, 2006 08:31 AM
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