April 05, 2006


I'm driving through Winter Haven the other day with Rommie and Salad Boy when all of a sudden, Rommie says, "GIMMETHECAMERA, GIMMETHECAMERA, GIMMETHECAMERA."

I frantically fumble around in the center console, come up with the well-worn Canon and turn it on for him to shoot a photo. Of what, I'm not certain. But if Rommie is this excited, it has to be more than worthy. Maybe there's a plane tumbling to the ground. Or a hostage standoff somewhere. Maybe he saw Elvis. I don't know.

I ask him what the intended target is. He points to the Burger King next to us at a red light:


Huh? What's the big deal?

Then he points to the marquee.


Now I understand.

Funny. I always thought breakfast was more meatastic or meatriffic than meatnormous.

Go figure.

Posted by Jeff at April 5, 2006 08:17 AM | TrackBack