Last time we took a gander at the dining options in the vending machines (nee "Wheel of Death") at Chez Trib, there were wayyyyyy too many Big Az options.
A lot has happened since then.
Namely, they put in a bunch of new vending machines.
They're lovely. Really. Couldn't be happier.
Now if they'd only tweak the contents.
Let's take a look, shall we?
Mmmmm. I love me some fajitas. My guess is this is going to fall short of the sizzling platter I enjoy at Estellas.
Express? Sure.
Fresh? Debatable.
What makes it a "deluxe" sandwich? There are two "fresh" uncooked strips of bacon in each package.
I've always wondered what the uvula dangling in the back of my throat tastes like. Apparently it would only cost me $2 to find out.
What else is for sale?
I wonder, though. What makes it "supreme?"
Them's good eats.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, bacon. I never trust a man who doesn't like bacon.
Posted by: Addison at April 19, 2006 09:42 PM