My Uncle Pete, (yes, the one who was in the paper posing with a potato he grew that was shaped like a moose) is all a-twitter in his latest e-mail:
Hi JEFF~~You won't believe this!!!!
Was working in the back yard mounting Swallow Nests. Looked down at our Sweet Pea Planter and saw this piece of driftwood we were using as a Soil Hold Back.
I was shocked as it to resembles a Sea Otter. We were Halibut Fishing a couple weeks ago and one floated by. I got a pix of it and am sending it to you also so you can see what a great piece of driftwood it is.
I think the driftwood looks more like a Sea Otter than a Sea Otter~~~!!!! What do you think???? AM I NUTS>>>>>?????
Nuts? No. Not by a longshot. I know nuts. That's not nuts.
Do you need to lay off the halibut fumes?
I think that's a distinct possibility.
Mooses and flowers.
Winter's coming. Time to head south.
The salmon don't stand a chance.
The Last Fuzzy Slipper Frontier.
There's a bar in them thar country.
Sunsets, salmon and civil ceremonies.
Volcanoes, churches and halibut.
A fantasy RV for The Last Frontier.
Heading north to the homestead.
Publicizing moose-shaped tubers.