September in Alaska is an amazing time.
The tourists are done for the year, for the most part. If you live there, you sort of get your state back for a few precious weeks until "termination dust" hits the mountains, which are filled with honey-golden leaves.
And the final salmon runs are taking place.
As a result, my Uncle Pete, (yes, the one who was in the paper posing with a potato he grew that was shaped like a moose), has a bit of a problem on his hands:
He has so much salmon to smoke and so little time before he heads south for the winter.
Clearly it's been a banner year for fishing for him. Again.
He writes:
Just to show you some of the drudgery and pain it is in SMOKIN FISH.~~!!!You know, we got MULLET back in the Lower 48 but I'm not going through this again~~~!!! Well, not down there anyway.
Really though, it is so much fun, and good EATIN, too~~~!
I remember it well, Uncle Pete.
I remember it well.
Unfortunately all this means for him is that the end of another glorious summer for him and wife Cecile is almost at hand.
Now you tell me!!! Think winter is not far off?????? Early Sept. and Summer is over. Getting a little cooler.White Stuff not far off,
Wouldn't you rather be me?
Winter's coming. Time to head south.
The salmon don't stand a chance.
The Last Fuzzy Slipper Frontier.
There's a bar in them thar country.
Sunsets, salmon and civil ceremonies.
Volcanoes, churches and halibut.
A fantasy RV for The Last Frontier.
Heading north to the homestead.
Publicizing moose-shaped tubers.
My letter is from Cyprus ;-)
I have just returned from Cyprus and I want to tell you it was unforgettable! The fabulous ocean, the constant sunshine and great weather all the time and all those moon-glades and sunsets, comfortable Cyprus villa and pool, amazing Cypriot evenings and wine tasting certainly left a track in the memory. You see, the life is too short to lose a single day of it.