October 06, 2006



If you didn't get to watch last weekend, the History Channel's Violent Earth program on the Storm of the Century was quite the impressive bit of historical television programming.

And not only because it featured frequent Side Salad contributor Willie Drye, author of Storm of the Century: The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935.


The production values on this thing were amazing. Historical re-enactments, loads of interviews with experts and authors and lots of photographs and documents from the event. Nothing was spared. Even at two hours in length, it was compelling to watch.

And among all that clutter, Willie's expertise shone brightly and added warmth to what easily could have been a very sober retelling of body counts and damage estimates.

Great job, Willie. The Salad Bowl salutes you.

Posted by Jeff at October 6, 2006 07:17 AM | TrackBack

I love that a man who makes his life's work of covering rain storms has the last name "Drye"

Posted by: jolie at October 6, 2006 10:03 AM
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