November 22, 2006


Jacqueline reminds me of a great moment from my childhood: the Thanksgiving turkey episode of "WKRP in Cincinnati."

Speaking of turkey and local radio, tune in WUSF 89.7 FM at 11 a.m. on Friday. I was lucky enough to be asked to join host Carson Cooper and a panel that included a nutritionist from the Moffitt Cancer Center and a chef instructor at the Art Institute of Tampa to talk about holiday food.

There might have been a mention of the story I had in today's Tribune (I wrote about the "Table of (Mal)contents.") And I might have mentioned a certain attempt to cook Thanksgiving dinner in an Easy Bake oven. But I won't say for sure. You'll have to tune in to hear for yourself.

Speaking of the Easy Bake episode, apparently my attempt to choke down a Triscuit piled high with aerosol spray Cheez 'n' Bacon has disqualified me from the fantasy league of one avid reader.

Vegitarians can be so touchy sometimes.

Besides, any Tiger Beat list that includes me, Jack Black and Fareed Zakaria, I'd rather not be on. It bespeaks a lack of reasonable standards. For their benefit, not mine.

Posted by Jeff at November 22, 2006 10:36 PM | TrackBack
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