February 19, 2007



Press release of the week. So far:

Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 3:33 PM
To: Houck, Jeff B.
Subject: Story: "You're injecting Botox Where??"

Hi -

If you are looking for an expert source to give great insight on the incredible rise of Botox uses all over the body, Dr. Anthony Griffin, plastic surgeon and medical expert is available immediately to comment on this rapidly rising trend.

Botox has become the No. 1 non-surgical cosmetic procedure among men and women, including celebrities Teri Hatcher, Angelica Huston, Cindy Crawford and Vanessa Williams

New areas of botox include:

• Uterus
• Arm pits
• Nasal flare
• Crossed eyes
• Migraine headache
• Lower back pain
• Epilapsy
• Constipation
• Tennis elbow
• Fibromyalgia
• Parkinson’s disease
• Tourette’s syndrome
• Multiple sclerosis
• Vulvodynia
• Spasticity due to spinal stenosis
• Spasmodic Dysphonia ( makes voice crack and quiver)
• Writer’s cramps
• Surgery Scar removal

Question: Where the hell is Vulvodynia? Is that near Pittsburgh?

Like hell if I'm Googling that one at work.

Posted by Jeff at February 19, 2007 03:46 PM | TrackBack
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