May 06, 2007


Photo of the day Saturday came when I took Salad Boy down to Longboat Key for a bit of fishing.

We drove through Sarasota and navigated our way through St. Armand's Circle. After we finished fishing, during which Brian caught one grunt and one pair of children's Spider-Man sunglasses, we rolled through Lido Key.

Whereupon we drove past this gentleman.


"You're not going to go back," Salad Boy said, trying to will my hand off the camera as we turned around to get a shot.

"Don't you know me better by now?" I asked.

I pulled up next to him and rolled down the window.

"Dad, don't," Salad Boy said, doing his best to slide under his seat and look invisible.

"Excuse me," I said.

The cyclist's pedaling stopped. He bent down to look into the truck.

"I like your hat," I said. "Would you mind if I took your photo?"


"Sure! No problem," he said. "It's Cinco de Mayo, you know."

"I know!" I said.

Then it got better.

"My name is Lido Joe. Everyone knows me around here. Just ask. They'll tell you."

After which we said farewell and thank you and then headed on down the highway.

A friendly guy in a sombrero. Rolling down the road. With his own built-in nickname.

Some blessings come wearing hats and riding bikes in the midday sun.

Posted by Jeff at May 6, 2007 08:02 PM | TrackBack
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