November 03, 2007


Like any office, people bring in food to share with their co-workers.

Unlike most offices, we get all manner of food thrown at us in hopes we'll write about it and give them free publicity. As a result, we see some pretty freaky stuff.

I'm not sure if that explains what appeared in one of the office kitchens the other day.

Benign-looking rolls in the office kitchen

I mean, it looks benign. Tray full of potato rolls... what could be wrong with that?

Uhhhh... What's that pink stuff?

Uh, what's that pink stuff leaking out the side?

Origin of the species: Florida Bakery

Okay... that's a little more comforting. Florida Bakery makes some good stuff...

Mmmmm. Gelatinous Pink Goo.

Okay. Room spinning. Gonna vom.

Alright. Better now.

UPDATE: Okay, here's the thing. I was hungry. And I'm occasionally cheap. Eating random food makes me feel like Matt Henson on the Arctic ice sheet. Doing so in the workplace is like a little vacation.

So, you know, I was repulsed. But I ate it. I went all "Fear Factor" and pushed through that barrier.

And it was pretty damn tasty.

Lesson here: It's okay to be cheap. And culinarily haphazard.

I still don't know what it was that I ate, but maybe that's a good thing.

Posted by Jeff at November 3, 2007 01:10 PM | TrackBack
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