January 24, 2008



Thanks for the memories, A Train.

Mike Alstott autograph

You were one helluva runner, Mike Alstott. And an even classier guy. Which really sounds unclassy to say, but so be it. Not many people would have eaten the gigantic shit sandwich handed to you by Gruden & Co. with such dignity.

Plus, you made a great bobblehead.

Mike Alstott bobblehead

Your mini-bobblehead? Not so much. You look like Vito Corleone chasing his grandson through the tomato patch.

Mike Alstott mini-bobblehead

For the uninitiated, everything you need to know about him is in this video:

I was there for the 19-yard run against Cleveland. I almost started weeping, it was such an amazing run. I was there for the Washington game, too. The man just had no regard for his body. Which is why he's retiring today, I guess. That he hands the legacy keys to the running game over to Earnest Graham instead of Michael Pittman pleases me to no end. There's a symmetry in one lunchpail guy ending his career as another one takes his place.

For the record, that officially leaves us with one to root for on our tally sheet.

Posted by Jeff at January 24, 2008 09:28 AM | TrackBack
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