April 15, 2004



ESPN.com has a great list of the best hair in Major League Baseball history.

I'm partial to the fu-manchu of Al Hrabosky. Mostly because he had a cool nickname - "The Mad Hungarian" - and partly because I used to imitate him as a kid.

Al's schtick was to take the ball off the mound, stand with his back to the plate between the rubber and second base, take his glove off, rub the ball in both hands vigorously for about a dozen times, put his glove back on, whip the ball into the web of the glove and then act like a wild man as he stomped back to the top of the mound.

The avalanche of hair coming off his face only enhanced this performance.

Posted by Jeff at April 15, 2004 10:56 PM | TrackBack

Al Hrabosky--wow that takes me back. You show him as a Brave but I remember him as a Cardinal. How many teams did he play for anyway? Guess that's what they call a "journeyman" eh? Seems I remember some manager making him shave and cut his hair and he never was the same.

Posted by: emil at April 16, 2004 12:00 AM