May 05, 2004


On behalf of the Salad Bowl, best wishes for Cinco de Mayo.

As I said a few days ago, I'll be attending the Clearwater Threshers game tonight. To celebrate the holiday, the first 500 fans through the gate get a free sombrero. I am incapable of resisting such an offer.

In honor of the holiday, I've loaded onto the Radio.Blog menu the only two songs about sombreros that I could find. The song by They Might Be Giants, "Hovering Sombrero" is actually a pretty good song. The second track is, well, barely tolerable. But it met the minimum requirement of having the word sombrero in the name. If the Chipmunks sang about sombreros to a disco beat in a non-native language (I know, Chipmunks have no native tongue. I'm aware of that.), it might sound like this. During a hangover. In hell.

I also found these photos in the Side Salad archive. The posts they relate to are unimportant. They're just weird enough on their own to speak for themselves:

* A rabbit with a sombrero on its head.

*A photo of Bob Barker wearing a sombrero during his "Truth of Consequences" days.

Lastly, I have a couple more photos of sombreros captured in nature. Or at least while I was walking around with my camera.

They include:


A sign outside a bar in downtown Tampa. I would argue that there is no fiesta without a sombrero.

But then, I state the obvious.


This was a contest I watched during a company picnic at my wife's place of bidness. The idea: to take a sombrero off your head and put it on the next person's head until the deejay stops the music. The person without a sombrero on their head has to step out. It's musical chairs in hat form, essentially.

Should have seen the last person without a hat. She cried like a baby. Almost made me want to give her my sombrero.


Posted by Jeff at May 5, 2004 08:19 AM | TrackBack