January 03, 2006



Tommy over at the outstanding Tampa group blog Sticks of Fire mentioned something a couple weeks ago about Frappr, a map-based database that allows groups to put a pin on a virtual map to show the general vicinity where they're located.

As an example, take a look at the Florida Blogs Frappr (Frappr actually has an exclamation point at the end, but much like Larry David using the informal "tu" form, I refuse to punctuate the way the company prefers. It's much in the same way that Yahoo insists on an idiotic exclamatory. I won't do it, I tell you. You can't make me.) The Tampa Blogs one is small but growing, too.

Anyway, I thought I'd invite the Salad Bowl readers to show where they're reading from. It's entirely voluntary (there's no spam involved as a result of participation). But since I know that the Bowl visitors are a varied bunch in terms of geography, I thought I'd take this opportunity to include everyone.

To join in on the Salad map, click here.

Posted by Jeff at January 3, 2006 01:30 AM
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