Wait. That doesn't sound right.
Let's try that again:
Hey, look who's writing stories for the St. Petersburg Times' business section:
Man about town (your town, their town and every town in between), Alan Snel of Bike Stories.
Al wrote a great story today in the Times about the retailers who were stuck with hurricane-related stock now that the Great Gods Of Wind and Destruction have decided not to smear Florida from the planet. For now.
It's an interesting glimpse at the high-wire act that is retail sales. Smart angle. Well-written. It's remarkable how much I missed seeing his byline on top of some interesting and fun stories in the Trib.
Oh well.
Anyway, as you can see in the photo above, Al is indeed keeping his day job as a bike store business marketer. I saw him last night at the Lightning game on the plaza outside the Forum That Dare Not Speak Its Name pimping the Bicycle Bash By The Bay, which comes up Oct. 29 at the Forum.
As usual, Al's making friends wherever he goes:
Al was so excited yesterday, he called to say that Fox 13 is doing a story on the bash and that they got the helicopter up to follow him while he was biking across the Gandy Bridge with the big freaking sail attatched to his ride that could blow him into Tampa Bay at any moment Bike Bash board on the back.
The story is expected to run next week.
The sun never sets on Al when it comes to pimpin' the bash.
Yes, "Look who's pitching for the other team" could mean something else entirely. Drat. I could have taken credit and claimed my toaster.
Posted by: Skipford van Beaverhausen at October 10, 2006 02:25 PM