March 02, 2007


BrendaDickson.JPGRemember ex-soap star Brenda Dickson - she of "The Young & The Restless" and of the annoying "how to be fabulous" videos?

Apparently she has quite the active social life. In court.

Hollywood actress Brenda Dickson's 16-day stay in jail here ended yesterday after two lively court hearings in which Dickson mocked a lawyer with Nazi salutes and told the judge her divorce settlement was "a fraud," but ultimately swore to abide by the terms of her property settlement.

Dickson, 58, was jailed on a contempt of court charge Feb. 6 for failure to comply with the terms of a settlement agreement in her divorce from local attorney Jan Weinberg. Wearing a green velour track suit and shackled at the wrists and ankles, Dickson appeared in Family Court yesterday for hearings before part-time Judge Darryl Choy.

Claiming that Choy's rulings had rendered her penniless and homeless, Dickson asked several times to borrow money from Weinberg's lawyer, Charles Kleintop, and even saluted him several times with the words, "Heil Hitler. Third Reich."

But Dickson ultimately said the words that Kleintop and Choy wanted to hear: that she would stop attempts to block the scheduled $1.37 million sale of a Los Angeles condominium that she and Weinberg jointly own.

Hat tip: Sassier Apple

Photo: courtesy of the Match Game Wallpaper Factory, which is almost as scary as Dickson.

Posted by Jeff at March 2, 2007 06:46 AM | TrackBack
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