August 17, 2008

[YEAR 4]

Tropical Storm Fay.JPG

So. Fay. Taking aim.

Good times.

You know you're in the crosshairs when Eliot Kleinberg, author of "Black Cloud: The Deadly Hurricane of 1928," e-mails you directly to say:

Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:34 PM
Subject: Tampa

Yikes. But looks like just a 1 and maybe poor Punta Gorda will get it again before you do.

I hope not. I hope Fay gets indecisive, cops a squat in the middle of the Gulf and peters out after providing surfers from Corpus Christie to Cape Coral with some tasty waves.

Not gonna happen, but it would be nice.

Can't wait until the wind and rain starts to hit and Lincoln starts to lose his mind. We're gonna need the jaws of life to pry his nervous ass from under the bed. Little wuss.

Stay tuned for more catastrawhoriffic coverage here in the Salad. We're headed to the pool while there's still some direct sunlight.

Posted by Jeff at August 17, 2008 11:29 AM | TrackBack
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