May 11, 2005


My friend Carrie from college writes to say she's moving to Park City, Utah from Sarasota. In the moving process, she says she' stumbled over some photos. Including this one:


She writes:

I only wish I had [Name withheld for privacy and dignity reasons]'s e-mail address.

Ahhhhh... what a great memory. Fuzzy memory, but great nonetheless.

Seriously, looking at this, I'm laughing as hard as I did last night when I found it.


Hmmm. I have no idea where that photo was taken, what the context was, or why I have scads of little ceramic drinking mugs around my neck.

This is not good. Makes one wonder what other photos of me are floating around that I have no recollection of posing for.

So I wrote her back:

To: Carrie

Subject: RE: This makes me so ... proud.

[Expletive deleted], what the [expletive deleted] was that?!?!?!?

Your memory might be fuzzy. Mine is non existent.

Did you Photoshop this?

I have to put this on my blog, you understand. So I need the back story.

Let me know when you remember the details of this photo – when where why, etc. – so I can debase myself further.

To which she replied:

From: Carrie

Subject: Re: This makes me so ... proud.

Think "Olympic theme song."


CJs. Jacksonville. Rumplemints. You and [Name withheld for privacy and dignity reasons]tried to "gold" in the event. Me, you, [Name withheld for privacy and dignity reasons], [Name withheld for privacy and dignity reasons] and [Name withheld for privacy and dignity reasons].

Thing is: I only sent one of the 2 shots I have of this. In the other one, you have also covered both your eyes.

I should send the photos from my apartment that I found. I think they're from the beer-in-a-box night.

Ooof. That one hurt. I remember the Coors Party Ball night. Lots of party. We tapped the ball, if I believe correctly. Too many ranch Fritos. Woke up the next morning feeling like I'd fallen asleep on the salad bar at TGI Friday's.

So I wrote the unnamed cohort in the photo above to ask what he recalled. His reply:

That happened at CJs in Jacksonville during a Florida-Georgia weekend. I drank so many that every time I had one, the whole bar sang the olympic theme song as the new cup was placed around my neck. I think we walked out on our tab that day too.

Damn. Still don't remember a thing. Methinks perhaps the Rumplemints had a hand in the misting of my memory.

It's been a very long while since I've partied with college pals. I miss the pals and the party, just not college.

So I wrote her back:


Just so you would know things haven’t changed (yes, I know you realize that) I’m attaching a photo of myself trying on a pair of thong panties while my wife checks out at the JC Penney's cashier.



College may be a distant memory, but aberrant, deviant and childish behavior is still achievable. Without alcohol. Even at age 40.

I am living proof.

Posted by Jeff at May 11, 2005 08:01 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: Dave Simanoff at May 11, 2005 09:32 AM


Posted by: jen at May 11, 2005 10:41 AM

Please tell me that's not Brian behind the camera at Burdines. Please?

Posted by: Rommie at May 11, 2005 12:43 PM


Posted by: jolie at May 11, 2005 01:27 PM

No, Brian did not shoot that photo.

Posted by: Jeff at May 11, 2005 02:12 PM

That's hot.

Posted by: Cupie at May 12, 2005 10:58 PM
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