September 13, 2007


Lots going on blogwise among my friends online lately.

BashboardBike Stories, written by my dear pal Alan, announces that the Bashboard he pedals around promoting the Bicycle Bash by the Bay is back for another year's touring. Alan about pedaled his legs off last year promoting the event, which was a great success. My favorite was when Fox 13 got up in a helicopter to get aerials of Al biking across the Gandy Bridge with the damn thing in tow.

Dave at The Daily Dave 2.0 is back and blogging with a vengence.

Pat over at Mr. Doodle's Dog has cranked up the blog after a lengthy hiatus to offer the unique and highly entertaining take on dogdom and art through the eyes of her dog, Gimlet.

This Matisse-influenced portrait she did is reason enough to visit:

Mr Doodles Dog Matisse

Rommie The Couch PotatoRommie over at Couch Potatoes writes about reviewing the new CD by Brooklyn indie-pop-rockers Bishop Allen, which plays The Social in Orlando on Monday. You can hear samples of the music by clicking here.

Rommie and co-blogger Stephen Hammill do a great podcast twice a month. You can hear it by clicking here.

Jolie has pledged allegiance to the Brit, for which she (wobbly) stands.

Willie Drye, author of Storm of the Century: The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 and commentator on the History Channel's "Nature's Fury: Storm of the Century" episode of the series "Violent Earth," has joined us online at Drye Goods. His blog is a mixture of a little history and a little hurricane writing. (If that isn't a unique concoction, I don't know what is.) Willie recently won the first place public service award - the Charlie - from the Florida Magazine Association for a series of stories he wrote for Key West Magazine about how rescuers on the island would respond in a Category 5 storm like Katrina. You can read the stories by clicking here.

And speaking of awards, my college buddy Steve's tremendous blog, Stuck in the '80s, is a finalist in the 8th annual Online Journalism Awards, honoring excellence in digital journalism. The awards are handed out by the Online News Association and the USC Annenberg School for Communication.

Steve and I have shared many an evening that neither of us will ever remember. Including this one, which I had to be reminded of by our mutual friend Carrie a while back.

Washington2In an odd twist, Steve's up against another friend of mine in the same category: Ryan Cormier at Pulp Culture. I met Ryan during a Knight Center fellowship at the University of Maryland a couple years back. The photo to the right (Ryan is sitting in the middle) was taken in the back of a taxi on the way to a bar in Hyattsville. Believe it or not, I had not been drinking when this photo was shot.

But should either of my friends win an online journalism award, you know I'll be toasting either one.

Posted by Jeff at September 13, 2007 08:54 PM | TrackBack
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